Employee Spotlight: Jarquise Stowers

Employee Spotlight

We are very excited to highlight one of our most valuable assets, our employees! Each month, get to know the HPC team in a fun, new way!

Jarquise StowersName: Jarquise Stowers

Department: Human Resources

Title: HR Generalist

Primary work location: Olathe

How long have you worked at HPC? Nearly 1 month.

How did you get into your field of work?

Was recommended by a professor.

Do you speak any other languages? If yes, which ones?

Not internationally, but I speak Gullah Geechee.

Do you have a favorite quote? If yes, what is it?

“Keep your faith over fears.”

What values are important to you?

Compassion, Generosity, Gratitude

What is something about you that would surprise people?

I’m an excellent cook.

What is on your “bucket” list?

Visit all 50 states in USA.

What is your favorite food?

Cheese Pizza

What is your favorite movie?

Pursuit of Happyness

What is your favorite hobby?

Playing basketball.

Are you an animal lover?  If yes, how many pets do you have and what kind are they?

I do love dogs, but I don’t own any pets.

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