Employee Spotlight

We are very excited to highlight one of our most valuable assets, our employees! Each month, get to know the HPC team in a fun new way.

Debra TrybomName:  Debra J. Trybom

Department: Dental

Title: Lead Hygienist, RDH, ECP II

Primary work location: Olathe and portable dental care

How long have you worked at HPC?  One year and five months

How did you get into your field of work?

I had a real fear of the dentist and dental anxiety until I was older. I finally went to the dentist and my hygienist was amazing and inspired me to become a hygienist. I have always wanted to help people and felt that dental was my calling.

Do you speak any other languages? No.

Do you have a favorite quote?

“Don’t go through life, grow through life.” -Eric Butterworth

What values are important to you?

Trybom FamilyIt is important to me that people respect others. We do not know what someone else has been through in their life, never assume. I also feel it is important to never stop learning. Always go beyond your comfort zone and try something new!

What is something about you that would surprise people?

I like pickles on my grilled cheese sandwich.

What is on your “bucket” list?

I have never been to Disney Land and I want to go so much!

What is your favorite food?


What is your favorite movie?

“The Wizard of Oz”

What is your favorite hobby?

Telling jokes, coloring in adult coloring books, watching my kiddos play sports, and taking selfies.

Are you an animal lover?  If yes, how many pets do you have and what kind are they?

I do love animals. I have a cat that is a main coon mix and his name is Hodor. He is giant!