Erica Bonilla

Employee Spotlight: Erica Bonilla

Employee Spotlight

We are very excited to highlight one of our most valuable assets, our employees! Each month, get to know the HPC team in a fun, new way.

Erica BonillaName:  Erica Bonilla

Department: Administration

Title: Payroll Specialist

Primary work location: Olathe

How long have you worked at HPC?  

I have worked at HPC for three months.

How did you get into your field of work?

I started off as a graveyard dispatcher who would do basic timekeeping on down time. I was promoted three months later and have been doing payroll and accounting for almost ten years now.

Do you speak any other languages? If yes, which ones?

Erica BonillaYes, I speak Spanish.

Do you have a favorite quote? If yes, what is it?

“Hate, pride, vengeance and fear are the plague of the earth. Love, kindness, compassion, empathy and services to others are the cure.” – Chester Bennington

What values are important to you?

Values that are important to me are kindness, compassion, accountability and family. You have to be kind and compassionate toward others. Always take accountability for your actions.

What is something about you that would surprise people?

I love football! Arrowhead stadium was my favorite experience ever, even though I am a Packer’s fan.

What is on your “bucket” list?

I’ve always loved helping others. I would love to do humanitarian work, once my kids are grown and out of the house.

What is your favorite food?

Thai food is my favorite.

What is your favorite movie?

Erica BonillaMy top three favorite movies are “The Grinch”, “Fast and Furious” and “Silence of the Lambs”.

What is your favorite hobby?

I like to craft everything! You name it and I’ll craft it…cups, shirts, ornaments, mugs, etc.

Are you an animal lover?  If yes, how many pets do you have and what kind are they?

Yes, I have two dogs and a guinea pig. I have a mini dachshund named Lilo who is six and a Rottweiler named Medusa who is two. The guinea pig’s name is Stitch.