Allergy and Asthma Awareness Month

Whitney VenegoniBy: Whitney Venegoni, APRN, FNP-C, Family Nurse Practitioner

May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month.

For many, May will be when symptoms are the most severe, so it is a great time to shed light on both. Allergies and asthma have a wide range of symptoms and severity, and they are experienced differently by every patient. They cannot be cured, but they can be controlled by avoiding triggers and using appropriate medications. Over 100 million Americans experience allergies each year, affecting as many as 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of children. Over 25 million Americans have asthma. In Kansas, a higher percentage of our population suffers from asthma compared to the rest of the US.

Allergy symptoms can be intermittent with symptoms only half of the time or for less than four weeks total. Other patients will experience symptoms more frequently, sometimes impairing sleep or daily activities. In the most severe cases symptoms are life threatening. No matter the frequency allergic reactions happen when our immune systems have an abnormal response to something we are exposed to.

Many common triggers include pollen, dust, animal dander, mold, food, insect stings and certain medications. For some symptoms are a runny nose and sneezing during springtime. We use allergy medications to help decrease the response our body has to these triggers and alleviate symptoms. For others exposure to certain allergens will cause a life-threatening reaction. Symptoms for these patients can include flushed skin, an itchy feeling in the mouth, difficulty breathing or speaking, feeling dizzy or lightheaded, and vomiting or diarrhea.  This requires an injectable, life-saving medication as soon as they realize they’ve been exposed along with emergency evaluation.

Allergies and asthma are related, and some patients suffer from both.

Allergy and Asthma Awareness MonthAsthma is more likely in people who have allergies. Family history of asthma, low birth weight, prematurity, exposure to tobacco smoke and pollutants, respiratory infections, and being overweight increase the risk of developing asthma.  Much like allergies, asthma symptoms also tend to start after a trigger. These triggers can also include pollen, dust, and mold but expand into other things like tobacco smoke, perfumes, and other irritants.  Some patients can experience symptoms when they begin to exercise. The trigger causes inflammation and irritation in the lungs, making it difficult to breathe. This is called and “asthma attack.” Patients can feel short of breath and start to cough or wheeze.

Many people describe the feeling as a tightness in the chest, restriction, or weight on their chest. These symptoms can sometimes resolve if the patient can get away from the trigger, but more often it requires the use of medications. Inhalers are most often used to treat asthma and can be used to either help prevent symptoms or to manage them once they begin.  Similar to allergies, symptoms can be mild and intermittent, persistent, or life threatening.

Allergy and Asthma Awareness MonthAllergies and asthma can both be managed with the help of your primary care provider. It is important to focus on awareness of these diagnoses so all patients experiencing symptoms know that help is available. In America, complications and death associated with asthma are higher in patients experiencing poverty and with less access to education and health care. For some, there is also stigma associated with inhaler use and seeking treatment.

For patients suffering from symptoms, treatment is so important. If you think you might be suffering from allergies or asthma, contact your healthcare provider to discuss. You can make an appointment at Health Partnership Clinic by calling 913-648-2266.

For additional information, visit Allergy and Asthma Federation of America at

HPC kicks off Patient Safety Awareness Week, March 12-18, 2023

By Lee Champion, MSN, FCN, RN, Clinic Director/Risk and Compliance Officer at Health Partnership Clinic

The COVID-19 pandemic and increases in flu and respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV cases continue to remind us of the importance of patient safety in everything we do at Health Partnership Clinic. During March 12-18, we celebrate Patient Safety Awareness Week. Although patient safety is an integral part of our processes and protocols, March is dedicated to building awareness among our staff and patients. Bottom line, safety is everyone’s responsibility.

To learn more, watch our newest video: 

Improving Patient Safety Begins With You

Here are a few steps to ensure your safety when visiting the clinic:

  • Washing HandsMost importantly, wash your hands on a regular basis (before eating, after eating, after using the restroom, etc.) and sneeze in your arms not in your hands.
  • Everyone working at or visiting our clinics must wear masks while on campus. Masks work to decrease the droplets that can carry COVID-19 and other germs.
  • Chairs are spaced apart in our lobby areas to provide less contact between patients and visitors.
  • We offer telemedicine visits if you would prefer to stay at home for your visit. If you are sick with COVID-19, a telemedicine visit allows you to discuss your care with a provider.
  • Dividers have been installed in our Olathe Pediatric lobby to separate patients who are sick from patients who have appointments for physicals and preventative care.
  • Protective MaskWe are participating in the Federal program to distribute COVID-19 Home Testing Kits. You can pick up kits at our clinic locations by asking the front desk. Limit two per household member.
  • We also continue to offer COVID vaccines on the second Friday of the month in Olathe. To schedule, call 913-648-2266.
  • Keep an eye on your children at all times. Running and playing are not permitted in the clinic.

For updates on how we are addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit us  at

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Thao LeBy Thao Lee, MSN, APRN, PMHNP-BC, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

Suicide is among the leading causes of death in the Unites States. For individuals with substance use disorders, the risk for suicide is 10-14 times greater compared to the general population.

Studies have demonstrated a relationship between substance misuse and suicide, making it crucial to be able to recognize the warning signs of substance misuse and signs of suicide.

To learn more about suicide and how to prevent it, watch our video:

Lifespan Vaccines: Are You Up To Date?

Rachel AcunaBy Rachel Acuna, RN, Clinic/Vaccine Outreach Nurse

August is National Immunization Awareness Week which is a great time to put immunizations on the top of your list. At Health Partnership Clinic, we are now offering No Cost Adult Immunizations to Sliding Fee Eligible patients and to those experiencing homelessness. If you are not a patient, please call 913-648-2266 to establish care with one of our providers. Current patients may speak with their provider or call the clinic for a nurse appointment.

Adult Vaccination

Since the development of the first vaccine by Edward Jenner in 1796, we have seen tremendous progress in our ability to prevent deadly childhood infections. But did you know we also need vaccinations as adults?

In addition to an annual vaccination for influenza, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also recommends adults be up to date on MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), Hepatitis A & B, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, diphtheria, varicella (chickenpox and shingles), pneumonia and even meningitis.

  • Vaccination against hepatitis B can help prevent the development of liver cancer and protect you from hepatitis D.
  • Complications from adult cases of chickenpox can include; pneumonia, skin infections, encephalitis and joint inflammation.
  • Measles can lead to pneumonia, ear infections and brain damage.

Among other things, vaccines help to:

  • Reduce healthcare burdens and costs.
  • Prevent the development of antibiotic resistance by reducing the need for their use.
  • Extend life expectancy.
  • Make it safe to travel to different parts of the world.
  • Promote economic growth.

Adult VaccinationsEveryone should get a flu vaccine every year before the end of October, if possible. But you can get one at anytime during flu season.

Adults need a Td (tetanus/diphtheria) or Tdap (tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis) vaccine every ten years.

Healthy adults 50 years and older should get shingles vaccine.

Adults 65 years or older need one dose of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine followed by one dose of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine.

Adults younger than 65 years who have certain health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or HIV should also get one or both of these vaccines.

Adults may need other vaccines based on health conditions, job, lifestyle, or travel habits. You should talk to your provider for recommendations about what you might need to be up to date.

To recap, here is a list of recommended Adult Vaccines

• Chickenpox (Varicella)
• Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-everyone through 26 years
• Influenza (flu)
• Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
• Pneumococcal (pneumonia)
• Shingles (Zoster)-50 years and up
• Tdap (tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis)
• Td (tetanus/diphtheria)-every 10 years
• Hepatitis B

Take Control of Your Health – Medication Adherence

By Araceli Coria RN, BSN, Clinic Nurse at Health Partnership Clinic

What is medication adherence and why is it important?

Araceli CoriaThe Federal Drug Administration defines medication adherence as “the extent to which patients take medication as prescribed by their health care provider.” Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) approximately 20 percent of new medications are not filled and of those 80 percent that are, only half are taken as prescribed. Medication adherence is important for providers to be able to make the best-informed decisions in your plan of care.

In our chronic disease nurse visits at Health Partnership Clinic (HPC), I have had the opportunity to witness patients take charge of their health while making leaps of improvement in their blood pressure and blood glucose control. We can attribute this improvement to their dedication in adhering to medication recommendations, checking their blood pressure and/or their blood glucose routinely and following up with their providers. This allows them to witness the improvement in their readings from home in real time and with provider feedback. Studies have shown providing tools for patients to monitor themselves at home provides a sense of control of their health and leads to improved adherence and better patient outcomes.

So, what does this have to do with medication adherence?

Medication adherence can be intentional or unintentional and while patients may not choose to be non-adherent the consequences of not taking important medications are still the same. Your health is important to HPC, and we can work as a team to help you overcome those obstacles keeping you from taking control of your health.

What is keeping you from taking your medications as prescribed?

Medication AdherenceIs it cost? Not knowing what to take or when? Are you afraid of side effects? Bring these questions and concerns regarding medications to your nurse or provider. Remember, you are the most important member of your healthcare team.

Your provider, nurse and medical assistant have a responsibility to help you understand what your plan of care is, what your instructions are and vital information you need to know. With an established treatment plan, you are likely to have less doctor’s visits, reduced risk of hospitalizations, improved outcomes and overall, less healthcare cost.

What will my provider do to help me?

Use your healthcare provider’s resources and if remembering to take your medications is your final obstacle, here are some tips for remembering to take your scheduled medications.

  • Use your smart phone by setting reminders and alarms
  • Use weekly pill boxes/organizers
  • Place your medication bottles by your bathroom or kitchen sink so you see your medications during your morning routine.


Get Screened! Sixty Percent of colon cancer deaths could be prevented with screening.

Jennifer MillerBy Jennifer Miller, FNP-BC, Family Nurse Practitioner at Health Partnership Clinic

Colorectal cancer screening and early detection saves lives.

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and as a community health center, Health Partnership Clinic (HPC) is committed to preventative health and educating the communities we serve. It is an excellent time to learn more about colorectal cancer (cancer of the colon and rectum) and how it can be prevented or best treated.

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States for both men and women combined. This year, approximately 140,000 new cases of colorectal cancer will be diagnosed and 56,000 people will die from the disease. But colorectal cancer is a disease that can be prevented through regular screenings, a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Early Detection Key

Colorectal Cancer AwarenessColorectal cancer can be caught early thanks to screening options that exist. Guidelines set by the U.S. Preventive Services assist in deciding how often a person should be screened. I know talking about poop or stool sounds unpleasant. But when colon cancer is caught early, it has a 90 percent survival rate per the American Cancer Society (ACS). Catching polyps before they turn into cancer is the goal. The ACS also reports that it can take 10-15 years for a polyp to turn into cancer, so this is when it needs to be caught. The Society has put together Colorectal Facts and Figures and reports that men are 30 percent more likely to get colorectal cancer.

Risk Factors

The risk of developing colorectal cancer increases with age. All men and women aged 50 and older are at risk for developing colorectal cancer and should be screened. Some people are at a higher risk and should be screened at an age younger than 45, including those with a personal or family history of inflammatory bowel disease; colorectal cancer or polyps; or ovarian, endometrial or breast cancer.

Family history of colon cancer is always a big concern. Diet can be another risk. Eating a lot of red meat such as beef, pork, or lamb, processed foods and luncheon meats such as hot dogs, bologna, turkey, ham and other prepackaged foods are associated with an increased risk of colon cancer. Increasing fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat, quinoa, barley, popcorn and other whole grains, can help reduce your risk.

HPC’s approach to screening

Here at HPC, we take it seriously. If you are 50 years old or older, one of the first questions your medical assistant will ask is when your last colorectal cancer screening was. If you are due for one, you will be handed a Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) kit. FIT is the name given to the health screening test that can identify signs of bowel cancer. It can indicate the presence of cancerous or precancerous growths in the bowel by simply identifying blood in your stool that might not be visible to the naked eye. It is an easy test that you do in the privacy of your own home.

You might ask yourself, how accurate is a FIT test for bowel cancer? According to studies undertaken by the National Institutes of Health, FIT tests are overall highly accurate – this is simply due to them being both highly sensitive and highly specific.

Ways to Catch Colorectal Cancer Early

Current screening methods include:

  • FIT should be done yearly. The test looks for hidden blood and DNA in the stool. Blood in the stool may indicate colon cancer.
  • CT Colonography is another option. This is a low-dose radiation CT scan of the colon. It helps to find changes to the colon walls. If the test is normal, the current recommendation is to do this test every five years.
  • A flexible sigmoidoscopy is a visual examination of the rectum and lower portion of the colon, performed in a doctor’s office and should be repeated every five years. This test is done with light anesthesia.
  • The classic colonoscopy tells the most. It is a visual examination of the entire colon which allows for specimens of the abnormal-appearing polyps or precancerous cells to be removed and tested. It goes further into the colon, but the good news is this test is done under sedation.

Both the flex sig and the colonoscopy require a bowel cleanout done by drinking a solution that causes diarrhea until just water comes out of the rectum. If the results of a colonoscopy are normal, then it only must be repeated every ten years. A digital exam may also be done. Not fun, but it is worth it to catch colon cancer early.

Ways to lower your risk

Here are some ways to lower your risk of colorectal cancer:

  1. Get regular colorectal cancer screenings after age 50. Between 80-90 percent of colorectal cancer patients are restored to normal health if their cancer is detected and treated in the earliest stages.
  2. Eat a low-fat, high-fiber diet.
  3. If you use alcohol, drink only in moderation.
  4. If you use tobacco, quit. If you don’t use tobacco, don’t start. Alcohol and tobacco in combination are linked to colorectal cancer and other gastrointestinal cancers.
  5. Exercise for at least 20 minutes three to four days each week. Moderate exercise such as walking, gardening or climbing steps may help.

Can colorectal cancer be cured?

Since there are very few symptoms associated with colorectal cancer, regular screening is essential. Screening is beneficial for two main reasons: colorectal cancer is preventable if polyps that lead to the cancer are detected and removed, and it is curable if the cancer is detected in its early stages.

If detected, colorectal cancer requires surgery in nearly all cases for complete cure, sometimes in conjunction with radiation and chemotherapy. Between 80 to 90 percent of patients are restored to normal health if the cancer is detected and treated in the earliest stages. However, the cure rate drops to 50 percent or less when diagnosed in the later stages.

Please, feel free to share your concerns and questions with your provider. Trust me, no question is “too stupid.” We have heard it all and if we do not know the answer, we often can get you the answers.

To schedule an appointment with me, or one of my colleagues, call 913-648-2266.


HPC providers partner with patients to manage chronic diseases.

By Catherine Rice, Vice President of Marketing/Outreach

Chronic Disease

Chronic DiseasesAbout 24 percent of our medical patients at Health Partnership Clinic have one or more chronic diseases such as diabetes, depression and hypertension. Our providers and support staff partner with these patients to help manage their disease to ensure optimal outcomes.

This month, Family Nurse Practitioner Maureen Caro, FNP-BC, shares important insights about what chronic disease is and how the clinic approaches chronic disease management.

To learn more, click here.

Here at Health Partnership, we are dedicated in managing acute and chronic diseases to help patients live happier, healthier lives and save healthcare dollars.

Chronic Diseases Chronic Diseases

When it comes to the flu… Don’t guess. Test!

Sharon TrongaardBy Sharon Trongaard, RRT, MS, MPH, Clinic Director/Risk & Compliance Officer and Respiratory Therapist at Health Partnership Clinic

As we head into Fall, colds and the flu will return, joining COVID-19 as illnesses that can cause severe illness and keep you from doing the things you enjoy with others.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) many of the symptoms of the common cold, flu and COVID-19 overlap, so it may be difficult to determine what you have. In medicine, our moto is Don’t Guess, Test!  There are rapid and laboratory testing available for both flu and COVID-19, and HPC offers flu and COVID-19 testing at all of our clinic locations. It’s best to call the clinic so that we can offer the safest way to complete testing. We offer both walk in and drive-up testing.


The great news is that you can dramatically lower your risk of getting the flu and COVID-19 by getting vaccinated. Flu vaccines are 40-60 percent effective, and COVID-19 vaccines are 70-95 percent effective in preventing transmission and illness.

Flu vaccination is recommended for children and adults six months of age and older. COVID -19 vaccination is recommended for children and adults 12 years of age and older. If you do still get the flu or COVID-19 after vaccination, you are less likely to get very sick or die. Getting vaccinated against flu and COVID-19 also helps protect the people around you who are at high risk, such as older adults, people with medical conditions and pregnant women.

COVID-19 and flu vaccination are offered at HPC, contact us at 913-648-2266 to schedule your vaccination.

Flu: Don't guess. Test.Flu infection rates were dramatically low during the 2020-2021 season, even though the number of tests that were done was high. Scientists at the CDC believe this is due to the measures put in place for COVID-19, such as hand washing, physical distancing, school and other closures, increased ventilation in closed spaces, staying home and wearing masks. These same practices can lower your chance of getting a cold, the flu and COVID-19.

Here are some simple healthy habits you can follow to lower your chance of getting a cold, flu or COVID-19:

  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Isolate from others in your home as much as possible.
  • Cover your face with a cloth or other mask when you are unable to maintain a safe physical distance from others (at least six feet) especially when inside.
  • Wash your hands (this is best) or use a hand sanitizer that is at least 70 percent alcohol after touching hard surfaces or other people, before eating, and after using the restroom.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes as it is easier for viruses to spread this way.
  • Clean the hard surfaces in your home frequently, especially countertops, door handles and tables.
  • Keep your immune system in great shape by eating a plant rich diet, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep.


Breaking the Stigma: Know the HIV facts and communicate.

Maureen CaroBy Maureen Caro, FNP-BC, Family Nurse Practitioner at Health Partnership Clinic

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) care is a subject near and dear to my heart. I was born in the 1980s, and the history of this illness interweaves with my life. I decided to become a nurse in the early 2000s when anti-retroviral therapy was still very new. My final paper for undergrad discussed how to handle the first diagnosis of HIV in a family. HIV stigma is extremely real and affects how people will trust you to provide their care.

Silence Kills

As a provider, you must be very sensitive to cultural issues while also impressing on people how life-changing therapy is for this illness. Many people still think of HIV/AIDS as the death sentence that it was in my childhood. Many others have incorrect ideas of their own levels of risk. Everyone on earth is at risk for this illness, in one way or another. The only way that we can control this illness is by discussing it honestly. Silence literally kills.

First, we need to discuss particular people at risk.

HIV FactsEthnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity—all of these conspire to make certain populations at risk. I was shocked to find that there is a 50 percent lifetime risk of HIV of black men who have sex with men (MSM). White MSM also have increased risk, as opposed to heterosexual couples. Some sexual activity is riskier than others. Receptive anal sex is the highest risk, followed by receptive vaginal intercourse. Women who have sex with women (WSW) HIV transmission is practically nonexistent. Condom use and other barrier methods like dental dams can dramatically decrease risk. Condoms should be used for all kinds of sex.

Injection drug use is also a huge cause for initial infection.

HIV FactsNeedle exchange programs and harm reduction strategies can help. Mother-baby transmission (perinatal) is becoming increasingly rare as HIV screening is routine, and anti-retroviral therapy during pregnancy is increasingly effective at preventing perinatal infection.

One of the most exciting things to come along is the PrEP – Pre-exposure Prophylaxis. This means people at increased risk of HIV take a low dose of antiviral therapy as a form of prevention.

The numbers of new HIV infections that we can prevent this way is staggering. It decreases risk of sexual transmission by 99 percent and of injection drug use by 74 percent. MSM, sex workers, people who use injection drugs and those in a relationship with a HIV-positive person are all eligible for this therapy.

Attaining stable antiviral levels in the blood mean that with every exposure, there is enough medication in your system that with your immune system, will be able to fight off a new infection. It is literally life changing.

HIV is treatable and preventable.

Over the course of my lifetime, I have seen HIV gone from being an unaddressed pandemic and an unspoken terror to being a treatable and preventable chronic illness. HIV care covers many intersecting circles of illness, family relationships, language barriers, stigma and access to care. I am 100 percent committed to my patients receiving respectful and thorough care.

Please set up a visit with myself or my team to discuss your care if you feel that any of this affects you or someone you are close to.
To schedule an appointment at Health Partnership Clinic, call 913-684-2266.

Additional resources can be found at:

February is Heart Month: Know the Risk-Factors

By Debbie Sparks, Development and Marketing Manager

Each year in February, the United States recognizes American Heart Month, a time when the nation spotlights heart disease, the number one killer of Americans.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women and people of most racial and ethic groups in the United States. One person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. About 655,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that is one in every four deaths.

There are steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing heart disease. Kare Lyche, MD, Family Physician, at Health Partnership Clinic (HPC), outlines this information in the video below:

Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy and Prevent Heart Disease


To learn more about HPC’s cardiac services view the video below:

HPC’s Cardiac Services: How We Keep Your Heart Healthy


HPC, a federally qualified health center that serves adults and children, is accepting new patients. In person or Telemed appointments are available by calling 913-648-2266.

For more information about heart disease, visit the American Heart Association or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.