Entries by Health Partnership Clinic

Vaccination can prevent cervical cancer!

Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women around the world. Human papillomavirus infections (HPV) is a virus that is responsible for most cervical cancer. There are more than 200 types of HPV, with only a handful being responsible for the majority of cervical cancers. Every year in the United States, seven million […]

Employee Spotlight: Teresa Najera

We are very excited to highlight one of our most valuable assets, our employees! Each month, get to know the HPC team in a fun new way. Name: Teresa Najera Department: Medical Title: Medical Assistant Primary work location: Olathe How long have you worked at HPC? Five years. How did you get into your field of work? […]

Fun with Flu Season!

By Maureen Caro, FNP-BC, Family Nurse Practitioner, Health Partnership Clinic This is usually the time of year that flu and cold season really starts picking up! The holidays are in full swing, and there’s the rest of winter to get through. This post will look at some common concerns and discuss some pointers about the […]

Happy Thanksgiving from Health Partnership Clinic!

Happy Thanksgiving! We wish to express our appreciation to you for placing your confidence and trust in us. Serving you is our pleasure. To observe the Thanksgiving holiday, we will be closed on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 28 and 29. We will reopen on Monday, Dec. 2. For a full listing of our holiday hours, […]

Employee Spotlight: Lee Champion, RN, MSN

We are very excited to highlight one of our most valuable assets, our employees! Each month, get to know the HPC team in a fun new way. Name:  Lee Champion, RN, MSN Department: Medical Title: Clinic Director and Risk Manager Primary work location: Olathe How long have you worked at HPC?  Three months How did you get into your […]